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  • Configuring Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) for Nextcloud

    The following guide will show you how to setup ADFS for Nextcloud with Windows Server 2012 R2. While older versions may also be compatible they have not been tested by Nextcloud. In case you have specific issues with configuring your ADFS system, please open a support ticket in our support portal.


    Before you continue please make sure that:

    • Windows Server 2012 R2 is used for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).
    • Nextcloud 12.x or later is used as Nextcloud instance and you have the required privileges to install the Nextcloud user_saml app from the appstore.
    • Each user in AD DS has at least one unique identifying attribute

    Parameters for ADFS

    The following parameters depend on whether you have prettified URLs (e.g. without /index.php/) or not. If you have prettified URLs enabled, make sure to remove /index.php from the URL.

    Also, replace with your URL.

    • Audience URL:
    • Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL: