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  • Migrating to another LDAP server

    Sometimes it happens that we need to migrate the users from one LDAP server to another one. What's the best way to do this, without losing access to your files, shares or any other metadata?

    LDAP to Nextcloud mapping

    Nextcloud uses internally always its own UID. In order to communicate with the LDAP directory the DN is used, e.g. to send search queries. But the DN is not stable, for example moving a record in the LDAP tree will change the DN. In order to reliable find the right user record at the LDAP we need to store the UUID. This way we can identify the record, no matter where the user is located at the LDAP tree. The UUID of the LDAP record together with the mapping to the DN and the Nextcloud internal UID is stored in the ldap_user_mapping table.