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  • How to upgrade an offline installation

    Some installations are not connected to the internet. The default upgrade procedure of Nextcloud makes use of the internet to retrieve updated versions of the apps installed. The installed apps need to be compatible with the Nextcloud version. Therefore updating Nextcloud itself without the apps will disable the apps.

    This article will walk you through creating a Nextcloud bundle including the apps you need. Transfer this bundle to the server in question and use it to upgrade the installation following the instructions for a manual upgrade in the official documentation.

    A general note: it is not possible to use the instance while the upgrade is happening, but the upgrade should be a matter of a few minutes usually.

    Upgrade to the latest point release of your current Nextcloud version first. Then apply upgrades for each major version. For example when your current installation is based on Nextcloud 23.0.6 these would be the update steps to get to Nextcloud 25:

    • Upgrade to the latest version of Nextcloud 23 provided on the portal.
    • Upgrade to the latest version of Nextcloud 24 provided on the portal.
    • Upgrade to the latest version of Nextcloud 25 provided on the portal.

    In this example you would need upgrade bundles for three versions of Nextcloud. Luckily we provide a script for you to prepare them. If you are unsure about the upgrade procedure or want another pair of eyes to check your approach please contact support.

    Here's how you prepare the bundles for offline updates:

    1. Download the Nextcloud version in question from
    2. Unpack the Nextcloud version. It will create a folder called nextcloud.
    3. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory above the Nextcloud folder.
    4. Call the script provided below with the Nextcloud version and apps to install as parameters.