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    Scalability Articles
    Collabora Hardware Recommendations

    Calculating the hardware requirements for a deployment of Collabora Online requires several factors:...

    Considerations on Monitoring

    Deploying Nextcloud on a large scale implies a close monitoring of critical software and infrastructure components. In companies, Nextcloud is most of the time run as load balanced n-tier web and requires infrastructure and application monitoring. I...

    Installation of Nextcloud Talk High Performance Backend

    The High-performance Backend is composed by two elements: the signaling server and the WebRTC gateway. The signaling server is used to exchange messages between the participants in the call (messages in the sense of IP addresses to establish connecti...

    Load Balancing and High Availability for Collabora

    There are many possible ways to load balance Collabora Online. However there are a set of basic principles that help correctly configure and use load balancing / HA solutions....


    Monitoring is an important aspect of operating Nextcloud at scale. It helps to detect issues early, optimize the system and analyze in depth in case of problems....

    Nextcloud Talk High Performance Back-End Requirements

    Here you find the minimum system requirements for the Talk High-Performance Back-End (HPB) and how to configure the Network interface to enable communication between the HPB, Nextcloud and the users....

    Scaling of Nextcloud Client Push (Files HPB)

    The Client Push (Notify Push) is the high performance back-end for Nextcloud Files. It reduces server load from desktop clients and web interface polling while delivering instant notifications to users using websockets....

    Scaling of Nextcloud Hub

    This document will cover the reference architecture for the Nextcloud Scale Out model for a single datacenter implementation. The document will focus on the three main elements of an Nextcloud deployment:...

    User Provisioning API usage

    The Provisioning API allows external systems to monitor and manage certain Nextcloud features. It provides a set of APIs that these external systems can use to:...