These are the resources Nextcloud requires in order to be able to deliver branded clients....
Welcome emails sent to new users show a download link to
You might want to provide your new users with a set of default files that will appear in their Nextcloud after their initial login. This can be done by placing files in the nextcloud/core/skeleton directory, in your Nextcloud server. The files stored...
You may configure the URLs to your own download repositories for your Nextcloud desktop clients and mobile apps in config/config.php. This example shows the default download locations:...
Custom Email Template...
Theming app...
Nextcloud is designed to be user-friendly and should not require a manual. However users can find information in our documentation or knowledge base if they have an issue or want to go deeper into a topic. This help menu is located in the settings me...
Since February Google Play Store requires declaration of foreground permissions....
If your company needs to use specific filetypes on a regular basis or wants to brand certain types of files, custom mimetypes may be useful. Nextcloud supports custom mimetypes handling, and enables administrators to add file types or choose a custom...
The Push Proxy Server is needed to forward the push notifications from the Nextcloud server to Firebase/Apple push servers and then the devices. A default push proxy server is provided by Nextcloud GmbH, but when using Nextcloud branded Talk clients ...
For the push service to work, there is a Firebase project needed for Android. After creating the Firebase project you need to add the Android app to this project. For more details on this check out their documentation here and there....