This article describes what to do if users see the following errors:...
If you are using Active Directory (AD) as user backend, and see that the password reset feature or password changing feature does not work despite activation in the configuration, this article explains how to resolve this issue....
When setting up an SMB external storage, you might face an error if you are trying to mount multiple SMB storages through a DFS server. DFS is known to not work well with the smbclient package, and therefore php-smbclient which is built on top....
Sometimes you might want to automate the setup of the subscription key for your Nextcloud instances, e.g. because you decided to hide the support page on the admin settings....
Some times from an operational perspective it might be desired to onboard clients in waves or block older versions of clients....
Currently, users cannot delete all chat messages in 1:1 conversations as this option is not available for 1:1 conversations....
If a user is trying to upload huge files, this operation can fail if the configuration is not finetuned to handle such large files. This operation usually creates errors like the following:...
If a user is doing operations or changes in the web UI, and then refreshes the page, it can occur that th change is not applied....
This section documents the frequent questions about the Nextcloud functionality....
Deadlocks are a classic problem in transactional databases, but they are not dangerous unless they are so frequent that you cannot run certain transactions at all. Depending on the deadlock scenario you might need to report those errors to support. T...
Mostly, database errors are not caused by the Nextcloud code but by other infrastructure components....
The following error appears while accessing an encrypted file:...
When encryption was enabled and disabled without decrypting all the files, some users see the following error while accessing an encrypted file: Cannot decrypt this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file w...
If you are using SAML, and see decryption errors or decoding errors, this article explains how to resolve these type of issues....
In a situation when the Nextcloud setup and in particular Nextcloud Office is placed behind a Firewall it might be the case that the user will see the error message Document loading failed with the description Socket connection closed unexpectedly. T...
Sometimes we get reports about problems with downloading files larger that 512MB from a SMB storage connected to Nextcloud as a external storage....
Duplicate contacts appear in the contacts menu....
When updating Nextcloud, you may encounter issues with email functionality, such as being unable to send notifications or test emails. This article provides steps to troubleshoot SMTP-related issues in Nextcloud....
By default group folders are excluded from server-side encryption. Is it possible to enable encryption for group folders?...
Encryption is failing with the following error: multikeyencryption failed...
If you have an external storage configured, and you or your users are modifying, adding, or deleting files into this storage without first going through Nextcloud (like the web user interface or Nextcloud clients), the modified files are sometimes no...
Root cause analysis...
When one observes file access or file-download related issues with groupfolders, for example, when a user doesn't see a file they should have access to, or when a file does not get synced properly with the desktop client, or when a file is not downlo...
Galera synchronizes changes between all nodes, so that all nodes are consistent all the time. In some cases cluster nodes have to pause for other nodes to be able to apply replicated changes. This mechanism is called flow control....
As a service provider or reseller you may want to use the support app to have access to the enterprise update channel and all the advances enterprise features but on the other hand don't show the support page to your customers which might have a admi...
The schedule for background jobs executed by the cron is configured by each job....
For special enterprise releases and critical security issues, special mailings are send to the contact persons defined in the portal....
This article lists the steps to take to prepare for an upgrade, the database migrations, and expected downtime....
Let's say, you want to duplicate your instance by copying a VM and use the duplicate as a sandbox (or a test server), but you don't want to have user limit applied based on your subscription key....
As a service provider or reseller you may want to limit the list of available apps for admins....
As a service provider or reseller you may want to limit admins in the number of users they can create on the instance....
S3 can be used as primary storage or as external storage, where there are different implementations that are used for the upload of files. Files are uploaded in chunks before being reassembled in a final request....
This article describes migration scenarios that sysadministrators might encounter, and links to relevant documentation. ...
Nextcloud is able to send notifications (e.g. about changes to files) by email. If you expect such notification emails on your nextcloud instance but don't receive any, here are some steps to take in order to gather knowledge about the cause....
Users are complaining about existing shares not being visible anymore. Here is the full list of symptoms:...
In the event that multiple appdata folders are present within your data directory, any unused ones should be removed and references in the database should be cleaned up....
You see a failing setup check telling you that "This server has no working internet connection" together with log messages starting with "No DNS record found for ..."...
When using the calendar_resource_management app, sometimes, rooms and resources that were added via occ don't show up in the calendar immediately....
Sometimes, it can happen that an update has been available and successfully executed, but the old version is still shown....
This article describes the most common causes of a bad performance or when Nextcloud is slow, and how to make Nextcloud fast again. This page describes how the support team analyses these systems....
This article describes what to do if you see the following errors:...
When there are performance issues in your Nextcloud instance, profiling the server can be really helpful. ...
In Nextcloud Talk, when the last participant leaves a room, the room is automatically deleted....
In Admin Settings → Support the number of active users is reported and it shows about twice as many users as there are. Also the output of occ user:report displays twice as many LDAP users than there are "active users"....
When transferring ownership, it can happen that some shares were not transferred correctly....
If big files fail to get uploaded for public link shares but other uploads for logged in users work fine, please check the following apache configs....
This page describes SQL queries that are useful for solving several issues....
Root cause analysis...