The following guide will show you how to setup ADFS for Nextcloud with Windows Server 2012 R2. While older versions may also be compatible they have not been tested by Nextcloud. In case you have specific issues with configuring your ADFS system, ple...
Using the SSO & SAML app of your Nextcloud you can make it easily possible to integrate your existing Single-Sign-On solution with Nextcloud. In addition, you can use the Nextcloud LDAP user provider to keep the convenience for users. (e.g. when ...
About Kerberos...
SAML configuration in Keycloak can be unintuitive for the beginner, so here is a guide to configure Keycloak as a SAML identity provider for Nextcloud....
Auth0 provides a universal authentication & authorization platform for web, mobile, and legacy applications. It supports multiple protocols such as SAML2.0, OpenID Connect, OAuth2....
This article describes how to use configure Okta to use it as a Single-Sign-On provider with Nextcloud....
It is possible to use multiple user backends (or user directories or identity providers) in Nextcloud....