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  • Nextcloud 27 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 27 was released in the enterprise edition first on July 18th, 2024. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 26 series are:

    • ✨ AI that respects privacy
    • πŸ’‘ 100% local open source AI assistant
    • πŸ’¬ Call transcripts, translation & dictation
    • πŸ—‚οΈ Automated file locking on desktop
    • πŸͺŸ Outlook, Exchange & Teams integration
    • πŸš€ Notes, Tables app & more!
    • πŸ—£οΈ Speaking time & 1hr call warning
    • πŸ”” File, chat & mail reminders
    • πŸ€– Bots in Talk
    • πŸ—ƒοΈ New file selector
    • πŸš€ Improved advanced file versioning
    • ✨ Apps in ANY language

    You may like to read up on announcements Nextcloud 27.0 and of Nextcloud 27.1.