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    Nextcloud 20 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 20 was released in the enterprise edition first on Jan 26th, 2021. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 19 series are:...

    Nextcloud 21 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 21 was released in the enterprise edition first on May 7th, 2021. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 20 series are: ...

    Nextcloud 22 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 22 was released in the enterprise edition first on November 3rd, 2021. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 21 series are: ...

    Nextcloud 23 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 23 was released in the enterprise edition first on April 28th, 2022. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 22 series are: ...

    Nextcloud 24 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 24 was released in the enterprise edition first on July 18th, 2022. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 23 series are: ...

    Nextcloud 25 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 25 was released in the enterprise edition first on December 12th, 2022. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 24 series are:...

    Nextcloud 26 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 26 was released in the enterprise edition first on April 21st, 2023. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 25 series are:...

    Nextcloud 27 Enterprise

    Nextcloud 27 was released in the enterprise edition first on July 18th, 2024. Its characteristics compared to the previous Nextcloud 26 series are:...