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    Configuration - Remove Calendar and Todos sections from Activity

    The Activity-app is showing different categories of activities (File changes, shared by/with you, ...). Two of those categories are "Calendar" and "Todos". Even if the corresponding apps are not installed and enabled, the categori...

    Enterprise version and enterprise update channel

    With the Nextcloud subscription comes access to the enterprise version of Nextcloud. There are basically two ways to get this version:...

    Installation - Automatic Configuration Setup

    Installing Nextcloud on several servers should not be painful and time-consuming, as you probably do not want to set up each instance separately. This is why Nextcloud provides a way to automatically configure multiple servers....

    Installation - Nextcloud Talk Recording Server

    The Nextcloud Talk Recording Server is an additional component of Talk that needs to be setup to be able to record calls....

    Installation - Offline (airgapped) Nextcloud setup

    If Nextcloud cannot be connected to the internet for e.g. security reasons, it still can be installed. The following describes the rough process....

    Installation - Oracle 12c as database

    Nextcloud can be configured to use an Oracle database instance or a cluster of instances....

    Installation - Supported platforms

    Learn about the platform requirements of Nextcloud....


    Deploying Nextcloud on a large scale implies a close monitoring of critical software and infrastructure components. In companies, Nextcloud is most of the time run as load balanced n-tier web and requires infrastructure and application monitoring. I...

    Scaling of Nextcloud Client Push (Files HPB)

    The Client Push (Notify Push) is the high performance back-end for Nextcloud Files. It reduces server load from desktop clients and web interface polling while delivering instant notifications to users using websockets....

    Scaling of Nextcloud Hub

    This document will cover the reference architecture for the Nextcloud Scale Out model for a single datacenter implementation. The document will focus on the three main elements of an Nextcloud deployment:...

    Supported Apps

    There are various subscriptions each covering a different set of apps. Most of the apps are already covered by the basic Files subscription....

    Usage - External search index for Nextcloud

    FullTextSearch comes with a range of tools to allow an administrator to index the content of Nextcloud in an external search engine, and keep it up-to-date....